The Task Force podcast is back with another episode, just in time for some weekend listening. This was a fun one with Ari Matusiak, CEO of Rewiring America. In the episode, we talk about:
(0:00) Intro, opening quote, entering the ThunDERdome
(2:00) Getting DER pilled with Ari, electrifying classic cars
(8:25) Introducing Rewiring America
(15:11) Electrification and the key narratives that will usher it in
(29:15) Inflation + electrification — balancing near term challenges with long-term progress
(36:56) Ari talks Electrifying for Peace: bolstering American manufacturing, insuring energy security and building a cleaner grid
(44:44) The petrodollar complex, global trade, and America’s geopolitical place through the energy transition
(49:50) What’s driving the disconnect between cheaper renewables and the energy prices consumers face on their bill?
(57:00) Inflation, independence, jobs, resilience: Is the narrative catching on?
( 1:0015) Energy Czar of America, hottest energy take
(1:03:30) Dope or nope?
(1:05:50) Big shouts
And friendly reminder that you can always find us on Spotify, iTunes, or your favorite podcast player. We hope you enjoy!
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