We’re back! This time we sat down with Quincy Lee, CEO and co-founder of Electric Era, an electric vehicle refueling company. Quincy has a super cool background - starting with designing skyscrapers, then moving on to space technology, and now he’s der-pilled.
We talk about all kinds of stuff in this one:
what SpaceX and Starlink were like
why EV charging, or whoops, we mean “car refill”
EV charging reliability
grid constraints limiting EV infrastructure
the role of social media in shaping public opinion on energy
the category isn’t ClimateTech or even EnergyTech - its GridTech
and Deep GridTech is here!
solid state power electronics, quantum-level stuff
where the hell are all the transformers we need?
Quincy: Gundo is “okay”, but come to Seattle
innovation at the grid edge
the grid edge strangler figging the grid?
This is a free episode for all subscribers, but if you want access to everything we do and would like to support our work broadly, be sure to visit www.dertaskforce.com and become a paid subscriber for just $5/month.
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